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The continuous innovation of systems for poultry production: a key point to improve profits

The continuous innovation of systems for poultry production: a key point to improve profits

Sistemas Agropecuarios JAT, is a 100% Mexican company, with the constant mission of staying in the search of specific solutions for the industry, continuous improvement and high quality in its products, all this looking for our clients to obtain better and more efficient results, as well as the best production conversion, all this within a highly productive context.

This ideology of continuous improvement in JAT has been growing potentially and in the present it has become one of the main objectives and goals of the company, giving rise to endless research to innovate and constantly streamline the productive processes of our customers so that they achieve the highest performance.

Within these investigations and with the experience gained in more than 65 years of work and field work, we have found that the innovation of poultry production systems and equipment in the market, is a critical issue that must be taken into account in order to reach the production efficiency levels that every poultry company wants to have.

It is at this specific point where a parenthesis is made to highlight the benefits that have been obtained with the integral automation of poultry farms.

Automatic systems

The technological advances and research applied in the poultry industry, have brought important benefits such as the sustained growth reported in recent years, in addition to:

  • Higher yield and better feed conversion.
  • Less manual work.
  • Return of short-term investment.
  • More homogeneous and healthy birds.
  • Greater control in vaccination and medication supply.
  • Less human contact = Less risk of diseases.
  • Greater control in biosecurity policies.

In Sistemas Agropecuarios JAT, we are aware that technology is the main key in the way to improve production costs and to achieve this we are in a constant and permanent search for the best technology applied to this important industry, in this way and together to the experience obtained for more than 65 years we have the capacity to offer the producer automatic integral systems for the maximization and the optimum use of all the resources in the facilities for the poultry production.

Automatic feeder system

Our Broilermatic automatic feeder system has the highest world quality standards, since based on the experience and knowledge acquired from the poultry industry, it seeks to give maximum efficiency and durability to each and every one of the elements that conform it.

One of its advantages is that the pipe of our system has doubled galvanized it has an exterior and interior galvanized to extend the lifetime of the entire system.

In addition, the auger is manufactured with a specific alloy, which ensures and guarantees maximum strength and durability.

For the manufacture of our plate, different tests were carried out to maximize the use of the feed in all production stages with a very high quality product.

Automatic drinker system

To develop our prolife automatic drinker system, the same guidelines and standards were followed to ensure poultry facilities the highest level of health in the birds and. The nipples used are manufactured under strict quality standards, these are also calibrated individually in the plant, to avoid water leaks, reducing to the maximum the humidity levels on the floor and at the same time keep fresh and clean water available at all times.

In the same way pipes, hoses, slope pressure regulator, as well as all the plastic elements used in the system, are manufactured with virgin materials and added with additives which prevents the possible formation of fungi or bacteria.

This system can be completed with water medicators, which turn out to be the best option to achieve maximum efficiency when carrying out biosecurity procedures in poultry farms.

Heating and ventilation systems

During all production stages is vital to maintain the ideal temperature of the birds, for this purpose, various systems have been developed. In this aspect JAT has alternative heating and ventilation useful.

With the experience and innovations, Sistemas Agropecuarios JAT, demonstrates to have the capacity to respond with successful solutions to an industry in constant technical development, with world-class equipment and that also strongly encourages national development, by offering its products and 100% Mexican manufacturing equipment.

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