Integral egg production equipment
Nowadays the layers have genetic improvements that make them more efficient in the production of high quality eggs, in addition that allow us to obtain layers that are more resistant to viruses, more docile, more robust that lay bigger egg; in general, more profitable layers. And to maintain these characteristics it is very important a high quality nutrition at all times, based in mg / bird / day.
Move chicks to the farm
The layers are move to the farm between 15 and 16 weeks of life, to let them to recover from the stress of this mobilization and begin their production stage fully conditioned and educated in the use of nests.
During the first 15 weeks the birds should have reached sexual maturity with an appropriate weight and development and homogeneity in the flock. It is also important to make sure that the chicks are completely healthy before they are transferred to the farm, if intestinal parasites are detected, they should be dewormed before moving them in order not to contaminate the new farm and the entire flock.
It is important to take into account that a late transfer, after week 17, can cause problems and damage to the reproductive system, because manipulating them at an age when they are already starting to form the buds they can break, causing peritonitis and until the death of the layer.
Production stage
It can be said that the stage of initiation of the chicks and the initiation of production are the most important, because the conditions in which they are conditioned the results of the production. And knowing this, in Jat, we have integral equipment for each of these stages, such as cages specifically designed so that the chicken has stability and easy access to food and water from the first to the last day of stay at the farm.
These cages can be pyramidal or battery-shaped; the type of cage will depend on the needs and conditions of each farm. The key point is to choose one that offers the best profitability to the producer.
Once the production cycle begins, the equipment necessary for uniform and serial production changes and is recommendable to add other equipment. For example, you can put an automatic feeding carts the cages to reduce labor and food contamination, and this will ensure that the chicken has access to the food at all times, contributing to its stability and uniformity in production.
Some of the equipment recommended by Jat, for the transfer of the egg in an optimal and standardized way from the layer to the packaging, are the egg belt, the egg filler that has the capacity to 30 eggs and whose design allows it to bend and return to its original state without damaged avoiding losses by breakage.
Another recommended equipment for this stage is the egg classification, the egg packers, in addition to the egg washers.
All these solutions are designed in the needs and evolution of the current industry that demands quality and innovation in the new equipment for poultry farms.