Polypropylene belt for transport of eggs



  • 4 “and 3 3/4” Polypropylene belt for transport of eggs.
  • 3 different lengths: 260m, 320m and 350m.
  • UV light resistance (KLYS) >150.
  • Elongation (%) 15/20.
  • Tenacity (gr/den) 6.5.
  • Weft density (hilos/cm) 4+-0.5.
  • Tickness (mm) 2.15+-0.2.
  • Weight (gr/mt) 62.87+-5%.
  • Does not absorb dirt.
  • Does not absorb liquids and there is no retained humidity.
  • Non-slip, which gives a good grip to the egg.
  • High resistant to chemicals products.
  • Great resistance to abrasion which gives it longer duration.
  • Washable.
  • Its polyester looking thread prevents fraying.
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